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Dear Quin 


There is a 2-page memo after the long one it nay help you to read first. 

I've read the Weinstein piece. He makes his case well - to the uninformed 
and uncritical. 

Ky disagreement includes over calling the FBI bustlers. It is not, any sore 
than any one of us can bumble and any sore than a certain amount of this is built 
into any bureaucracy, sore into an authoritarian one, which is the FBI is and was. 

Superficially what I address in the two-page sene say appear to be bumbling, 

I believe it is not. For example, if an agent without subject-matter knowledge was 
assigned, he would not be a bumbler. He would be a boiler-plater. 

Lawyer by training and experience, tend to be prosecutors or defenders. 

The prosecutor has someone to convict, the defense counsel someone to protect. 

It is not necessary to solve a crime to establish innocence beyond reasonable doubt. 

In even exceptional cases the prosecutor does no more than prosecute and few care 
about any more. While Weinstein is neither, he also is not an analyst. What the 
Hiss, like most other similar political cases, never had was thorough and competent 
analysis by one in a position to be followed by an effort to establish the accuracy 
of the analysis. 

Weinstein confuses bumbling for Hoover’s political objectives and the other 
problems the FBI had with that case and situation. By Weinstein’s concepts 1 would 
be immersed in FBI bumbling, i+ot so. It knew exactly what it was doing and does. 

If you have tine reread Weinstein’s Times piece critically, teu will find that 
you can attribute what appears to ba careful, scholarly phrasing to what you have 
seen in the FBI, covering his ass. At every critical point he covers himself against 
future rebuttal. If I were a shrink I’d say he has at least subconscious awareness 
and despite the apparent p03itiveness of Ms writing has doubts. 

Aa an analyst I’d say ha fudges on the typewriter and over-writes Ms case by 
avoiding the central fact - when was the Woodstock manufactured, when purchased new. 

This would make his case airtight. It is totally absent. 

As an analyst I've seen Ms kind of strawmen raised often enough, usually as 
he does, in generalities that avoid the ssx essence, '•‘■‘his is where he pretnda to 
quote so-called Hiss defenders. While this, too, aay seen to be a normal and. proper 
approach I do not regard it this way. " i ’t is an argument , an attempt to put clown. It 
is unfactual and it is evasive. It is the identical seihod the House assassins 
have been using, also effectively. 

I azn not and don’t pretend to be a subject-expert on the Hiss case. la am 
somewhat of an expert in cases of this nature after the fact and on the FBI and how 
it works. It can work remarkably well and I’ve examined some of its really excellent 
and diligent work. I as without doubt that the FBI traced the actual typewriter back 
to the manufacturer and obtained the full story on the aerial number. 1 an not as 
certain that it traced the purchase. I can see that it might have avoided this, perhaps 
did on. purpose, not from bumbling. Once the claim that the typewriter was fabricated 
was made the dates of manufacture and purchase became essential if anyone really cared 
about truth. This might not establish truth but it could establish falsity. If by date 
of purchase the serial number of manufacture doesn't fii then there is something ser- 
iously wrong. So why doesn t XeisBtein give us tlais information? 

Kissing in Weinstein’s lineup of strawmen is a simple question: could it have 
been someone else? I believe there was and that beginning with what Weinstein says in 
this piece could be found by a competent investigator who is and begins as a competent 
analyst. If x. were doing it I would begin, with some of what Weinstein presents and then 
ignores not froa dishonesty but because he got lost in the forest of excess information.